


教授 博士生导师





Tel: 0532-82032962  


  1995-1999      南京大学生物学 本科

  1999-2006      清华大学生物系 博士

  2006- 2009     哈佛大学医学院 博士后

  20092012    塔夫茨大学 Research Associate

  2012至今         中国海洋大学教授


      主要以丝盘虫,斑马鱼等为模式生物,研究纤毛的发育进化机制及纤毛遗传病的致病机理。目前在研究纤毛调控体轴发育的分子机制以及感光细胞的凋亡机理等方面取得了重要进展,研究成果先后发表在Nature Genetics,PLOS Biology,PNAS, EMBO Reports,PLOS Genetics以及Journal of Biological Chemistry等期刊上。其中发表在Nature Genetics(影响因子27)上关于脊柱侧弯发病机理研究的文章受到国内外广泛关注,被多个新闻媒体报道。


      近年来,课题组获得了多项人才计划的研究支持,包括2013 年入选教育部“新世纪人才支持计划”, 2014 年、2015年分别获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,山东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金的资助,2015年获得海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室“鳌山人才”优秀青年学者计划资助。2019年作为课题负责人承担了基金委“纤毛形成的分子机理和生理功能”重大项目,2020年承担国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,2021年获得国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金项目。


1.Jin M#, Li W#, Ji Z, Di G, Yuan M, Zhang Y, Kang Y, Zhao C*. Coordinated cellular behavior regulated by epinephrine neurotransmitters in the nerveless placozoa. Nature Communications, 2024;15(1):8626.

2.Sun Y#, Chen Z#, Jin M, Xie H*, Zhao C*. Ciliary length regulation by intraflagellar transport in zebrafish. Elife, 2024;13:RP93168.

3.Wang L#, Zhao S#, Yang X#, Zheng P#, Wen W, Xu K, Cheng X, Li Q, Khanshour A, Koike Y, Liu J, Fan X, Otomo N, Chen Z, Li Y, Li L, Xie H, Zhu P, Li X, Niu Y, Wang S, Liu S, Yuan S, Terao C, Li Z, Chen S, Zhao X, Liu P, Posey J, Wu Z, Qiu G, DISCO Study Group (Deciphering Disorders Involving Scoliosis & COmorbidities), Ikegawa S, Lupski J, Rios J, Wise C, Zhang T*, Zhao C*, Wu N*. Impaired central pattern generators due to abnormal EPHA4 signaling leads to idiopathic scoliosis. eLife, 2024;13:RP95324

4.Xu J#, Zhao C, Kang Y*. The Formation and Renewal of Photoreceptor Outer Segments. Cells, 2024;13(16): 1357.

5.Xie H#, Kang Y#, Liu J, Huang M, Dai Z, Shi J, Wang S, Li L, Li Y, Zheng P, Sun Y, Han Q, Zhang J, Zhu Z, Xu L, Yelick PC*, Cao M*, Zhao C*. Ependymal polarity defects coupled with disorganized ciliary beating drive abnormal cerebrospinal fluid flow and spine curvature in zebrafish. PLOS Biology, 2023;21(3): e3002008.

6.Zhu P#, Zheng P#, Kong X, Wang S, Cao M*, Zhao C*. Rassf7a promotes spinal cord regeneration and controls spindle orientation in neural progenitor cells. EMBO Reports, 2023;24(1):e54984.

7.Xie H#, Wang X#, Jin M, Li L, Zhu J, Kang Y, Chen Z, Sun Y*, Zhao C*. Cilia regulate meiotic recombination in zebrafish. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2022;14(7):mjac049.

8.Xie H#, Li M#, Kang Y#, Zhang J*, Zhao C*. Zebrafish: an important model for understanding scoliosis. Cellular and molecular life sciences, 2022;79(9):506.

9.Zhao L#, Xie H, Kang Y#, Lin Y, Liu G, Sakato-Antoku M, Patel-King RS, Wang B, Wan C, King SM, Zhao C*, Huang K*. Heme-binding protein CYB5D1 is a radial spoke component required for coordinated ciliary beating. PNAS, 2021; 118(17):e2015689118.

10.Xie H#, Kang Y#, Wang S, Zheng P, Chen Z, Roy S, Zhao C*. E2f5 is a versatile transcriptional activator required for spermatogenesis and multiciliated cell differentiation in zebrafish. PLoS Genetics, 2020;16(3):e1008655.

11.Zhang X#, Jia S#, Chen Z, Chong YL, Xie H, Feng D, Wu X, Song DZ, Roy S, Zhao C*. Cilia-driven cerebrospinal fluid flow directs expression of urotensin neuropeptides to straighten the vertebrate body axis. Nature Genetics, 2018;50(12):1666-1673.

12.Feng D#, Chen Z, Yang K, Miao S, Xu B, Kang Y, Xie H, Zhao C*. The cytoplasmic tail of rhodopsin triggers rapid rod degeneration in kinesin-2 mutants. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017, 292(42):17375-17386.

13.Zhao C#, Malicki J*. Nephrocystins and MKS proteins interact with IFT particle and facilitate transport of selected ciliary cargos. EMBO J, 2011;30(13), 2532-44.

14.Zhao C#, Omori Y, Brodowska K, Kovach P, Malicki J. Kinesin-2 family in vertebrate ciliogenesis. PNAS, 2012;109(7):2388-2393.