

发布者:王翔 发布时间:2020-09-03 浏览次数:203



Selected for the National High-level Talent Program

Vice-Dean of the College of Marine Life Sciences


Tel: 0532-85906578


1993-1997, B.Sc., Marine aquaculture, Ocean University of China

1997-2000, M.Sc., Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of   Sciences (IOCAS), Qingdao, China

2001-2005, Ph.D., Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of   Sciences (IOCAS), Qingdao, China

2006-2010, Postdoc, Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology, Bergen, Norway

Working Experience

2020-present,PI, FMED Center, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China

2014-present,Professor, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China

2010-2014,Foreign Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology  

Research Interests

Our group is principally interested in uncovering cellular processes and the underlying mechanisms that support the biological tube formation and tail regression during embryogenesis. We use marine animal (Ciona) notochord and Drosophila tracheal system as models to understand the morphogenetic signaling network on polarized vesicle trafficking, cytoskeletal organization, membrane biogenesis, and extracellular matrix dynamics during lumen formation and cell shape change.

Job and Contact

We are always looking for people with experience and interests in developmental biology, Cell biology, or biophysics to join us. If you are interested in working with us as a graduate student, postdoc or visiting scientist, please contact us for possible openings.

Representative Publications

1. Jiang A. #, Han K#, Wei J. #, Su X. #,Wang R., Zhang W., Liu X., Qiao J., Liu P., Liu Q., Zhang J. , Zhang N., Ge Y., Zhuang Y., Yu H., Wang S., Chen K., Xu X., Yang H, Fan G*, Dong B.*. Spatially-resolved single-cell atlas of ascidian endostyle provides insights into the origin of vertebrate pharyngeal organs. Science Advances, 2024, 10 (13), eadi9035.

2. Wei J. #, Zhang W. #, Jiang A#, Peng H. #, Zhang Q. #, Li Y., Bi J., Wang L., Liu P., Wang J., Ge Y., Zhang L., Yu H., Li L., Wang S., Leng L.*, Chen K.*, Dong B.* Spatiotemporal hierarchy and allele-specific expression of zygotic genome activation revealed by distant interspecific urochordate hybrids. Nature Communications, 2024, 15, 2395.

3. Peng H., Qiao J., Wang G., Shi W., Xia F., Qiao R., Dong B.* A collagen-rich arch in the urochordate notochord coordinates cell shaping and multi-tissue elongation. Current Biology, 2023, 33: 1-14.

4. Lin B., Shi W., Lu Q., Shito T., Yu H., Dong B.* Establishment of a developmental atlas and transgenetic tools in the ascidian Styela clavaMarine Life Sciences & Technology. 2023.

5.Wei J.#, Liu, P.#, Liu F.#, Jiang A., Qiao J, Pu Z., Wang B., Zhang J., Jia D., Li Y.*, Wang S.* and Dong B*. EDomics: a comprehensive and comparative multiomics database for animal evo-devo. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023, 51, D913–D923.

6. Liu A., Ouyang X., Wang Z., Dong B.* ELMOD3-Rab1A-Flotillin2 cascade regulates lumen formation via vesicle trafficking in Ciona notochord. Open Biology. 2023, 13: 220367

7. Ouyang X. Wu B., Yu H., Dong B*. DYRK1-mediated phosphorylation of endocytic components is required for extracellular lumen expansion in ascidian notochord. Biological Research. 2023, 56: 10.

8. Wang Z., Tan Z., Bi J., Liu A., Jiang A., Dong B*. Proteomic identification of intracellular vesicle trafficking and protein glycosylation requirements for lumen inflation in Ciona notochord. Proteomics. 2023. e2200460. (Cover)

9. Fu Y.#, Lv Z.#, Kong D., Fan Y., Dong B*, High abundance of CDC45 inhibits cell proliferation through elevation of HSPA6. Cell proliferation. 2022, e13257. doi:10.1111/cpr.13257.

10. Zhao L#, Gao F#, Gao S#, Liang Y#, Long H#, Lv Z#, Su Y#, Ye N#, Zhang L#, Zhao C#, Wang X, Song W*, Zhang S*, Dong B*, Biodiversity-based development and evolution: The emerging research systems in model and non-model organisms. Science China Life Sciences. 2021, 64(8):1236-1280.

11. Lu Q#, Gao Y#, Fu Y, Peng H, Shi W, Li B, Lv Z, Feng X, Dong B*Ciona embryonic tail bending is driven by asymmetrical notochord contractility and coordinated by epithelial proliferation. Development. 2020. 147. doi:10.1242/dev.185868. (Research highlight. This article has an associated ‘The people behind the papers’ interview)

12. Wei J, Zhang J, Lu Q, Ren P, Guo X, Wang J, Li X, Chang Y, Duan S, Wang S, Yu H, Zhang X, Yang X, Gao H, Dong B*, Genomic basis of environmental adaptation in the leathery sea squirt (Styela clava). Molecular Ecology Resources. 2020; 20:1414-1431. (Spotlight paper)

13. Bhattachan P, Rae J, Yu H, Jung W, Wei J, Parton R G*, and Dong B*, Ascidian caveolin induces membrane curvature and protects tissue integrity and morphology during embryogenesis. The FASEB Journal, 2020, 34 (1): 1345-1361.

14. Lu Q, Bhattachan P, Dong B*. Ascidian notochord elongation, Developmental Biology. 2019, 448147-153.

15. Zhang X, Liu X, Liu C, Wei J, Yu H, Dong B*. Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in ascidian larval metamorphosis. BMC Genomics. 2018, 19(1):168

16. Wei J, Wang G, Li X, Ren P, Yu H, Dong B*. Architectural delineation and molecular identification of extracellular matrix in ascidian embryos and larvae. Biology Open. 2017, 6(9): 1383-1390. (Cover)

17. 董波*海洋模式动物海鞘及其脊索发育与调控科学通报201560: 1167-1179.

18. Sehring I, Recho P, Denker E, Kourakis M, Mathiesen B, Hannezo E*, Dong B*, Jiang D*. Assembly and positioning of actomyosin rings by contractility and planar cell polarity. eLife. 2015, 4: e09206. (Highlight; Recommendation by Faculty of 1000)

19. Hannezo E#,*, Dong B#,*, Recho P, Joanny JF, Hayashi S. A cortical instability drives periodic supracellular actin pattern formation in epithelial tubes. PNAS. 2015, 112 (28): 8620-8625. (Commentary by Gov, McSharry, and Beitel)

20. Dong B, Hayashi S*. Shaping of biological tubes by mechanical interaction of cell and extracellular matrix. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development, 2015, 32: 129-134.

21. Sehring I#Dong B#, Denker E, Bhattachan P, Deng W, Mathiesen B, Jiang D*. An equatorial contractile mechanism drives cell elongation but not cell division. PLoS Biology, 2014,12(2): e1001781. (Synopsis by M. Hoff; Recommendation by Faculty of 1000)

22. Dong B*, Hannezo E, Hayashi S*. Balance between apical membrane growth and luminal matrix resistance determines the shape of epithelial tubule. Cell Reports. 2014, 7(4): 941-950.

23. Dong B, Miao GX, Hayashi S*. A fat body-derived apical extracellular matrix enzyme is transported to the tracheal lumen and is required for tube morphogenesis in DrosophilaDevelopment, 2014 141 (21): 4104-4109. (Highlight of current issue)

24. Dong B, Kakihara K, Otani T, Wada H, Hayashi S*. Rab9 and retromer regulate retrograde trafficking of luminal protein required for epithelial tube length control. Nature Communications. 2013, 4, 1358.

25. Dong B, Deng W, Jiang D*, Distinct cytoskeleton populations and extensive crosstalk control Ciona notochord tubulogenesis. Development, 2011, 138 (8): 1631-1641. (Recommendation by Faculty of 1000)

26. Dong B, Horie T, Denker E, Kusakabe T, Tsuda M, Smith WC, Jiang D*. Tube formation by complex cellular processes in Ciona intestinalis notochord. Developmental Biology, 2009, 330: 237-249.