Fang Zongxi Center operates, manages and supports a broad collection of shared core facilities so that the groups can carry out world-class research and also provide world-class educational experience to the students through the use of these facilities. Computational resources are available for high performance and scientific computing, visualization, and data storage. The Sequencing Core supports massively parallel high-throughput sequencing. These sequencers can generate billions of bases of data per run and enable a wide variety of applications. The molecular biology core houses state-of-the-art systems capable of conducting multi-dimensional experiments in support of research on structure elucidation of biomacromolecule.
Core facilities at Fang Zongxi Center are dedicated to facilitating innovative research, accommodating training needs, and promoting collaboration among our researchers and scientific community in OUC.
The facilities are overseen by the director and maintained by a highly-skilled management team. The core facilities use an online management system to organize service requests, equipment reservations, usage tracking, and billing.